I've always assumed that my thoughts are of little interest to the general public. Prove me wrong.

17 May 2004

Sevilla Style.
A great rock band pose, if Hillary had tried to look a little tougher. Or if the lighting had been better. Or if my hands were a little steadier. Or those three were actually in a band. There is no real point to this post, other than this is my first attempt to upload a picture to into_the_fold using the BloggerBot. Who needs Blogspot*Plus! Posted by Hello

14 May 2004

Hard at Work. So the White House has a new website dedicated to the President's dog, Barney. Barney was the subject of two holiday movies released by the press office - the 4-minute BarneyCam and the 7.5-minute BarneyCam Reloaded. The second one was touted by the Washington Post as having cameos, higher production quality, and even a plot (of sorts). The press office staffer behind the movies gave this funny quote: "The most memorable experience that I will ever have in the White House is briefing the president as to what his motivation is in BarneyCam."

04 May 2004

Viva Fallujah. I know it's wrong to have fun with the "war" in Iraq, particularly when it comes to the soldiers and Iraqi children. But this site can be both funny and poignant. Here's a funny example from this kind-of add-a-caption contest.