What Color is Your Halo? Just came across MusicPlasma, a site that asks you to enter any band, and then provides a visual solar system of similar bands or similar influences. It's far from complete, but it's got great visual appeal.
20 February 2004
18 February 2004
Gotta Love Labor. After endorsing Kerry at a rally this week:
[Teamsters President James] Hoffa, playing off Bush's proposal to revitalize the space program, initiated a chant: "Send Bush to Mars! Send Bush to Mars!" that the crowd gleefully picked up.
12 February 2004
My Guess is He's Had Enough. The usually cool-as-ice Colin Powell interrupted his own testimony to snap at a congressional staffer who obviously disagreed with the Secretary of State's recall of the events leading up to Iraq. Not surprisingly, the news report of this incident is at the top of washingtonpost.com's Top 20 Most Emailed articles. I'm not sure why they're deliberately omitting the article on the Patriots' SuperBowl victory.
11 February 2004
Web Address in Sheep's Clothing. I know this is completely juvenile, but so am I (until the big THREE-O on Friday at least). Anyway, someone sent me this URL with the title"Worst URL Ever. It definitely does not represent its content precisely.
10 February 2004
I Rented Them When. I'm happy that they're putting the squeeze on Blockbuster, but Netflix has gotten really slow recently. I used to get a new movie within 1-2 days of sending one in, but the last few I've returned took about a week for the transaction to be completed. For example, I sent them a movie last Thursday, and still haven't gotten an email from them saying they received it. A great idea, but it appears to have become oversubscribed.
03 February 2004
Bring the Funk. Since everyone's been talking about Garageband recently, I was glad to know that Hillary and a friend have been testing it out and are giving it their stamp of approval. You can listen to a recent output for 90 seconds of bliss.